Inevitable and unstoppable as the trend of IP surveillance may seem, shipments of analog video surveillance products still account for over 60 percent of the global market. In addition, the need to improve image quality while maintaining existing coaxial cable deployment is also strong. This has led the analog camp to come up with new ideas and solutions in terms of yielding better image quality. The latest HD-over-coax solutions include 960H, HD-SDI, ccHDtv, HD-MDI, HDCVI, and 800TV Lines (TVL) HD analog solutions. Among all solutions available, 800TVL HD analog solution is the most discussed and the most popular one in the analog arena.
Chipset suppliers in Taiwan, China and Korea are all joining the fray, vying for a share in a market that is full of opportunities. In the following, we focus on the latest update of some particular solutions, which gained the limelight this year.
Sony has combined its Enhanced Features and Fine Image Processor, Effio DSP, with traditional CCD image sensors and boosting the analog image resolution to 960H. Images produced by the solution are not only high in definition, but also high in S/N ratio and color rendition.
Effio DSPs are compatible with 480K/570K CCD image sensors of both NTSC/PAL systems. When used in conjunction with WDR CCD sensors, video cameras using the solution can produce crisper and sharper images in the setting of back light and extreme light, compared to traditional analog cameras.
The combination of Effio DSPs and CCD sensors can produce over 650TVL of horizontal resolution, even up to 700TVL sometimes. Video images created by the solution excel in color saturation and in brightness, compared with traditional analog cameras. The built-in 2D and 3D digital noise reduction of Effio DSP decreases dynamic noises of images in low light environments and increases image clarity. The solution also enhances image clarity both in the dark and when objects are moving.
Without having to alter existing deployments of cables, the solution is regarded as the most viable way of reaching high-resolution images for analog cameras. The solution has postponed the demise of analog surveillance systems and has prevented it from being phased out of market too soon.
Dahua Technology has developed a high-resolution composite video interface (HDCVI) by combining CMOS sensors with ISP. Based on the transmission technology of HD images over coaxial cables, the HDCVI technology is a solution that improves analog image resolutions and produces high-definition progressive scan images.
HDCVI released its first white paper, version 0.50, on July 31st, 2012, and its newest version 1.00 on November 15th, 2012. The white paper specified that HDCVI is applicable to two HD video formats: 720P (1280 X 720) and 1080P (1920×1080), which is similar to 700 to 750 TVL.
HDCVI uses point-to-point transmission of coaxial cables to produce uncompressed megapixel analog video images, without delay and without compromising image quality. The solution can transmit HD analog video images up to 500 meters over a SYV-75-5 video coaxial cable, breaking the distance limit of HD analog video image transmission. The HDCVI solution also synchronizes audio signals and demonstrates real-time, by-directional control of signals.
One of the biggest strengths of HDCVI is there is no need to change existing cable deployment where high-definition analog images are made possible. It also overcomes the 100-meter transmission constraint encountered by HD-SDI and IP Camera (IPC). HDCVI's noise resistant feature ensures quality ransmission of high-definition images and prevents problems on vertical synchronizing and lost frames.
iTE Tech, a semiconductor manufacturer, has developed a ccHDtv solution based on the concept of digital TV transmissions. The system can transmit high-definition video images over coaxial cables, twisted pairs, and even over-the-air.
The ccHDtv solution allows transmission of multiple 1080P images at 30fps or 1080P at 60fps videos over a single 3C2V/5C2V cable, with a maximum transmission distance of 500 meters, without adding any repeaters.
The solution employs DTV technologies such as DVB-T, ISDB-T, and ATSC standards and solves bandwidth and storage problems faced by traditional analog CCTVs in the past. It has been a worldwide trend for DTV to replace CVBS analog TVs. DTV technologies such as DVB-T, ISDB-T, and ATSC all provide sturdy and ideal structures for transmission of HD video images.
The ccHDtv solution adopts DTV technology that is strong in audio and video transmissions. DTV technology solves the problem of insufficient bandwidth when transmitting multi-channel HD images that plagued traditional CCTV systems before. The technology also eliminates storage problems at the same time. Installation and operation of ccHDtv resemble those of traditional CCTV systems, making it easy for analog surveillance systems to transmit and store HD video images.
For those surveillance system end-users who are skeptical of IP network stability and for those who wish to maintain analog cable systems, ccHDtv has provided a shortcut to achieve high quality images.
Based on twisted pair, HD-MDI transmits high-definition audio and video content using a structure that is similar to that of traditional analog surveillance systems. HD-MDI products include HD-MDI high-definition cameras, HD-MDI repeaters, HD-MDI DVRs, HD-MDI audio video capture cards, HD-MDI Optical, and HD-MDI matrixes.
The solution uses a unshielded twisted pair (UTP), 720P CMOS sensors and ISP, without compressing the images, in order to achieve real-time monitoring without delay. The uncompressed method of transmission also allows HD-MDI to transmit video signals over CAT5 or CAT6 network cables without additional cost on cabling and switches.
HD signals of video cameras can be transmitted hundreds of meters away and directly to the back encoder, which processes dual or multistreaming. Compared to other IP and HD-SDI products, which do all the video processing in cameras, the HD-MDI solution can be cost-saving. In addition, HD-MDI uses point-to-point connection and has a simple structure with no operating system. Therefore, it is easier for the solution to achieve more compact sizes and less power consuming cameras than HD IP-based ones.
While traditional analog surveillance cameras are built on CCDs and DSPs, some vendors have combined high-definition CMOS sensors with DSPs and have created image resolutions up to 700~1000 TVLs. This is by far the latest and the most popular analog upgrading solution, as well as the best one.
CMOS sensors can be sourced from Aptina, Pixelplus, OmniVision, and SONY. Fullhan Microelectronics, Sonix Technology, and Nextchip, on the other hand, supply DSPs that can be used to achieve this aim.
The combination of 1.3-megapixel CMOS sensors and DSPs can increase resolution to at least 800 TVLs. It also improves sense-up function at night. The solution can achieve nearly 100 percent color retention and accuracy without color bias. It also produces 720p progressive scan images at 60 frames per second and can provide images with no motion blur when objects move in a high-temperature environment.
These five solutions are evidence that the need for analog systems to upgrade to high-definition images has created a hotly contested market. And high-definition video images have been made possible while coaxial cables remain unchanged. These solutions have provided users with more options and have added more years to analog surveillance systems.
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