
A business that values added value

Numbers of the ASEAN middle class are increasing fast. They are not just a lot in quantity but also optimistic. Fast food empire, McDonald's, just opened its first restaurant in HCM City, Vietnam. Philippine Seven Corp, local franchisor of 7-Elevenis doubling its current store network of 1,000 in Philippines by 2015. Swedish furniture giant IKEA is soon to open outlet in Penang, let along Ace Hardware Indonesia, a home furniture and appliances retailer, just spent $25 million to finance the expansion of its network.

These staggering numbers of stores have shown that ASEAN continues to be a key market for retail and this region will continue to gain importance to Asia and the global economy. The question is, are your solution ready to cater to the unique needs of retail stores beyond security as bonuses?

Network solutions is changing how the security business is done, it is becoming more and more service-oriented, just like retail and hospitality. From planning to after sales, solution providers need to be involved every step of the way, as users have varying needs and degrees of technical understanding. One of the key differentiators for players is, therefore, their ability to provide what others cannot, have not thought of, or not fast-executing.

Our cover story this month brings you Chuango's new dynamics to the modern home. Market Dynamics focuses on Indonesia and sizable opportunities. As for other popular columns, this issue's Product Exploration features how 360°IP Fisheye Camera https://www.gwsecu.com/products/1155.html change security perspective and revolutionize retails, and Vertical Solutions on not-your-tradition school applications.

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